Tuesday, February 15, 2011


What a day!  We left Bogota early this morning and Ava had her first airplane ride!  We flew to Cartagena and Ava was an Angel throughout the 1 hour flight!  She was amazed by all the faces and objects to look at.  We got to our hotel and changed into more comfortable clothes and Mommy discovered Ava's tickle spot.  Her laughes were contagious!  And then, when we were out for dinner, she seemed to discover her feet for the first time.  When we left she was riding in her stroller holding her feet and playing with her toys. It was adorable.  Miss Ava ended the night with a dip in the pool with Daddy.  It was quite a big day for our baby girl.  We can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. you gotta love those giggles and squeals

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a great time.
    Randy said he talked to you today and saw the baby. He thinks she is an angel.
