Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7th, 2011

We had a busy day today!  After breakfast we went on our daily walk.  Ava loves stroller rides and gives us big smiles when we go down hills or over a bump!  Then after lunch, we had to go get several court documents notarized and then visit Los Pisingos to finish the paperwork that is needed to start our adoption petition tomorrow with the court system. We were able to get a full tour of the home and see Little Ava's home for the past 4 months.  We were delighted to find the home very clean and the children well cared for.  They even had a photo of Tony and I inside Ava's bed for her to see what her new parents look like before we got there! Needless to say, after such a big day, little Ava was worn out.  She fell asleep early while relaxing with Daddy.  We love her more each day and are so grateful to be parents to this precious baby girl!


  1. wow! it's so fascinating to see pictures of the orphanage...I bet she was worn out, and you guys too!

  2. It is great to actually see where your little angel came from...and it looks very well run. Starting the adoption petition tomorrow is one step closer to getting her home!! :-)

  3. Happy "5 months old" day to our little Ava.
    We love you.
    Grandma & Grandpa
